A College Student’s Guide to Christmas Budgeting

Struggling to divide your savings for your friends and family this Christmas? Find out how you can participate in this year’s gift giving without splurging

As surprising as it may sound, we’re already down to the second to the last month of the year, and Christmas is definitely in everyone’s sights. Now, you might be asking yourself if you should participate in this year’s gift giving or not since, as a student, you have your own essentials to worry about. But if you really don’t want to miss out on the fun of exchanging presents and making your loved ones feel happy this Christmas, then we’ve got just the budgeting guide for any university student out there. 


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Cut down your list

The traditional thing to do when it’s Christmas is to give almost everyone a gift even if you’re not exactly the closest of friends, and we’re here to basically tell you that you don’t have to do that. Narrow down the amount of people you want to give gifts to, like close friends and family, because—let’s face it—not everyone’s wallets can handle that many people. 


Categorize your gifts 

There’s nothing wrong with having a range of gifts that you think would be fitting to your chosen receivers. An example of this would be a box of cupcakes for your relatives or simple care packages for your closest friends. Feel free to organize them however you want to keep things within the budget. From their go-to lippie to a pair of new sunnies they’ve been eyeing, you don’t have to think outside the box to make your gifts make a mark.


Consider doing DIY projects 

Custom gifts have sentimental value and it’s the thought that you took time to prepare it yourself that makes your gift receivers appreciate it even more. Aside from that, you’re also cutting down your cost because DIY projects can give a bulk result that might just cover your list if you do it right.


Stack up on gifts

If you’re not the type to make gifts, then it would be ideal for you to start piling them up as early as now. You’re not only avoiding rush and panic buying, but you’re also avoiding the increase in price when December comes in, and we all know how high they can go.


Put aside your estimated expenses

Whether you’re going the DIY route or shopping for the gifts themselves, it’s always ideal to budget properly and way ahead of time so you can already set it aside specifically for gifting purposes. It’s time to grab your calculator and tally up the things you’re planning to get so you won’t have to worry about it next month!


The post A College Student’s Guide to Christmas Budgeting appeared first on MEGA.

A College Student’s Guide to Christmas Budgeting
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