Here’s How Floral Design Can Bloom From Passion to Business

Fluff’s Flowers is a design studio ready to take you in to bloom your creativity one arrangement at a time

Never underestimate the power of flowers in an occasion, a home, and most especially, in a person. From receiving blooms to actually assembling them, the joy of having roses or daisies in your hand is more than just for the senses. Flowers become vessels of emotions and ideas that carry our passions, dreams, and feelings. This meaningful relationship with nature is something that Guenevierre Panopio, or “Fluff” of Fluff’s Flowers understands, and you will, too. 

Fluff Flowers fluff event flower arrangement floral design style
Fluff of Fluff’s Flowers blooms from a pandemic passion to a running design studio

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Rooted from Passion at Home

Today, several businesses can attest to how the cabin fever from the pandemic birthed ideas of businesses. But for Fluff, flower arrangement began as a stress reliever. “My stress levels were through the roof, as we do real estate and service contracting, two highly impacted industries then. I had always been fond of flowers, so I started buying from the usual retailers and markets,” she shares.

Fluff Flowers fluff event flower arrangement floral design style
All things natural rule Fluff’s Flowers—from the interest in floral design to no floral foams in each arrangement

After seeking some knowledge on Instagram and YouTube during the lockdown days, the floral designer became more committed to sourcing blooms and getting the varieties that she wanted. Her brother, who saw her devotion to the craft, then pushed her to turn it into a business. Even with the fear of joy dissipating once passion mixes with profit, Fluff took the risk and from there, bloomed her business. 

The Blossoming Business

Fluff’s Flowers, in essence, is a floral design studio with just a side of selling loose blooms. In other words, they turn flowers into assembled art. Distinguishing their design studio from flower suppliers, Fluff says, “A shop will focus on retail, so they have to stock harder blooms that can last with or without a chiller. A design studio will focus on design—bespoke orders and events.”

Fluff Flowers fluff event flower arrangement floral design style
The floral design studio prides itself for their transforming staple blooms into new ways

Fluff further explains the difference in the form of one flower—the chrysanthemum. Ever present in places like Dangwa, its staple presence is due to its functionality in a number of events such as wakes. But with the eyes of someone like Fluff, the chrysanthemums form the wedding arch of a client. “With good taste, a good eye, skill, patience, and a healthy dose of obsession, the humble chrysanthemum is made into something special—a part of someone’s dream wedding,” she explains. 

From Nature and Back

Apart from their elegant styling, Fluff’s Flowers prides itself on their conscious decisions for nature—their ultimate source of blooms. Simply put, they strip the flowers off unnecessary plastic wrapping. But their biggest environmental move? No flower foams. 

Fluff Flowers fluff event flower arrangement floral design style
The challenge in a flower business is in the fleeting moments, and Fluff takes it with humbling grace and acceptance for working with nature

“I thought it was reusable and biodegradable because it’s green. Apparently not! I didn’t know that every time you poke a stem into the foam, that powder that comes off is basically a microplastic,” Fluff elaborates, crediting Sustainable Floristry. 

For One’s Own Bloom

Floral design, whether as a hobby or a business, grounds you to be present in your own company or even with others. One must exercise creativity and discernment on how to create the arrangement that conveys your desired theme or mood. “Floral arrangement is a perfect way to be both focused and relaxed. Zen. It is not tusok-tusok lang. This is why ikebana is traditionally paired with calligraphy and chanoyu—they just place you in that serene zone,” she shares.

Fluff Flowers fluff event flower arrangement floral design style
The art of floral design is both an individual and communal activity

“In a casual group setting, friends can bond over the natural beauty of blooms while working on their individual designs. Or they can work together to produce a full table design that would require understanding each other’s styles and tastes to produce a harmonious look,” she adds. 

Fluff Flowers fluff event flower arrangement floral design style
Getting creative with blooms can be your next passion or business, just like Fluff’s Flowers

So, if you find yourself in need of nature’s touch in your own hands, Fluff’s Flowers is offering a workshop just in time for Mother’s Day on May 11, 2024, at the Corinthian Clubhouse. The peonies will be waiting for your own touch of creativity, representing your blooming side in floral design.


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Here’s How Floral Design Can Bloom From Passion to Business
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